Walking with Jesus
“Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; ... They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’” (On the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:31,32)
As we walk with Jesus, He reveals Himself, our eyes are opened, our hearts are touched, and we begin to live with a kingdom perspective. When we walk with Jesus, we are forever changed.
Walking with Jesus takes a practical turn in our daily lives. As disciples, there are things we do. We habitually seek His face in prayer and the scriptures. We learn his thoughts, his ways, his heart. This passion to know and become like Jesus must be ours before we can pass it on. We never arrive, we never stop being disciples ourselves, but as disciple makers, we have the joy of taking others along with us on this journey, walking with Jesus together.
This is a first part of a 5 part series on the Kingdom Worker Essentials. The study was put together by the Boston Navigators. This 4 week study that has three components: study, reading and tools.
January 19, 2022
About The Author:
Boston Navigators
Jesus said, “Go Make Disciples.”
You would think that is what everyone would want to do.
But according to Barna research
only one in five Christians engage in some sort of discipleship activity.*
It’s time to recover Jesus’ method of changing lives by investing in a few people at a time.
That’s what Navigators do.
Since the 1950’s Navigators have helped men and women in Boston grow as Jesus’ disciples. We come alongside people in all walks of life to help them to know Christ, to make him known and to help others to the same.
We would love to help you learn to spiritually invest in others.
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1. The Gospel
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2. Abiding in Christ
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3. Be His Disciple
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4. Love and Truth
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